Type Ones are known as the Perfectionistic Reformer. I also like the word Improver.

Ones are terrific people who make the world a better, more perfect place to be. However, they can come off as being critical when their high standards are not being met.  If you know a type 1 please give them grace if you can.  They have a really loud inner critic that is constantly beating them up.  Sometimes that part can come out at you a little.  Sorry about that. :)


In this podcast, Your Enneagram Coach Beth McCord covers all the basics of type 1 here in about 35 minutes.  Everything from wings to how best to get along with type 1.

In this episode of Typology, Finding Beauty in Imperfection, Ian Morgan Cron sits down with friend and author, Amy Julia Becker, to talk about how admitting her own needs, and learning to accept herself as beautiful and broken, vulnerable, needy, and gifted has been a huge life lesson in perfectionism.


Oh boy!  Monica is my favorite character from the TV series Friends because I can relate to just about everything in this video, especially about ironing wrapping paper!  Yes, I actually do that every Christmas.  Please no judgment. 

Mommy Dearest is a classic movie about the life of Joan Crawford. Some of her unhealthy behaviors are unforgettable. Does anyone remember the line: “No More Wire Hangars?”  Whew!  There are tough moments in this movie to watch, especially when it comes to her control issues.  You can rent it on Amazon for $3.99:


For a more admirable example of Type 1, rent and rewatch To Kill a Mockingbird. Our hero Atticus Finch is the poster child for Type 1s because of his resolve to do what is right no matter the consequences. (Aww Gregory Peck - you were one of the greats!). It is free on Amazon Prime:


Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less is a book written by Greg McKeown.  This is a great read for all those type 1’s who are overwhelmed.  He talks about the discipline of discerning what is the most important, then eliminating everything that is not. Which allows us to make the highest possible contribution toward the things that really matter.

It’s been said that Type 1s are the only people who know how to load a dishwasher. As a Type 1, I am guilty of reloading the dishwasher after someone else was trying to be helpful (shame on me - I probably need to chill out a little). This article entitled How to Load a Dishwasher from D Magazine is a humorous take on the need for perfection all Type 1s struggle with.


Find someone today who you can ask: What is it like to be on the other side of me?  Then, sit back and listen without comment.  Just listen and learn.  This could change your life.  It did mine.  I asked my daughter this question and she dropped a truth bomb that made me step back and assess how to make changes.  Although it was hard to hear, I am so grateful for her honesty.